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Educational Terry Chu Educational Terry Chu

Getting COSY with the TOCSY Experiment

2D NMR experiments can provide a wealth of information to aid in the structural elucidation of chemical compounds. Of the many 2D NMR experiments available, the homonuclear correlation spectroscopy (COSY) sequence is one of the most popular and is used to identify which spin systems are directly coupled to each other. As an example, the 1H-1H COSY spectrum of 1-propanol recorded on the NMReady-60 is shown below in Figure 1.

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Academic Alexander Köring Academic Alexander Köring

What's the 'ism' of today? Keto-Enol Tautomerism

Tautomers are constitutional isomers that interconvert into each other by an exchange reaction, most commonly a proton transfer. Such two isomers can for example be a ketone and an enol. Keto-enol tautomerism (KET) becomes possible when there are hydrogen atoms adjacent to a carbonyl group (these hydrogen atoms are called α hydrogens). This tautomerism is depicted in Scheme 1 and is also discussed more here.

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Educational Alexander Köring Educational Alexander Köring

Enantiomers – Image | Mirror Image

Chirality has a huge impact on the chemistry of a molecule. Due to potentially different physiological effects, pharmaceutical compounds are often used as enantiomerically pure compounds. One enantiomer can act as a healing agent, the other might be toxic to humans. Crazy, right?

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Educational Alexander Köring Educational Alexander Köring

HSQC – Revealing the direct-bonded proton-carbon instrument

2D NMR experiments provide chemists with evidence to clarify and confirm resonance assignment.  Nowadays every organic chemist uses these experiments called COSY, HMBC and HSQC as routine analytics. Basically, with 2D experiments you correlate some kind of information between two 1D spectra. If we correlate two 1D spectra of the same nucleus we are dealing with homonuclear 2D NMR experiments. The most famous representative of this group is the COSY experiment (find theory here and application here).

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Educational Juan Araneda Educational Juan Araneda

Lead NMR Spectroscopy

For many years tetraethyl lead was used as the principal fuel additive to enhance the octane rating of gasoline. In the mid-1970s the use of this substance was reduced because of the environmental hazards of lead and because it poisons catalytic converters. Nowadays, the main application of lead metal and lead oxide is in lead-acid batteries. In this application the cathode of the cell consists of lead dioxide packed on a metal grid and the anode is composed of lead metal. The electrochemical reaction is shown in the following equation:

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