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benchtop NMR family


Market-leading benchtop NMR
resolution and sensitivity

100 MHz
1H/19F, 1H/19F/13C, 1H/19F/7Li, 1H/19F/31P, etc.
Please inquire about custom options

NEW in the family


Standard field strength.
Superior NMR data.

60 MHz
1H/19F, 1H/19F/13C, 1H/19F/7Li, 1H/19F/31P, etc.
Please inquire about custom options


Introduce your students to acquiring, processing, AND solving NMR spectra of their own compounds.

60 MHz

Unlocking the benefits of the Nanalysis benchtop NMR spectrometer for the lab

  • Accessible – with a compact footprint, affordable price tag, and minimal to no maintenance required, these instruments can be placed directly at the point of need.

  • Non-targeted – you do not need to compare an unknown to known standards for identification.

  • Non-destructive – you can reclaim your sample after analysis.

  • Inherently quantitative – linear data can be used to extract qualitative and quantitative information.

  • Versatile – can look at a variety of molecules with a variety of different nuclei.

  • Automatable – adding software layers can turn what is often considered to be an expert technique into a yes/no, green light/red light analyzer.


customizable MRI console

The RS2D MRI Console is the 4th generation of MRI spectrometer designed and built by RS2D. This multi-channel console receives and transmits high to low field MRI application which is also well adapted for multi-nucleus acquisition thanks to the experience of RS2D in NMR. With an acquisition software integrating simple pulse sequence development tools, and an interface for controlling the electronic from a third-party software, the console is suitable for both research laboratories and industrial applications.

High-Field NMR

QUAD Systems

Given the synergies of Quad (Quantum Analytical Detection) Systems and Nanalysis, in 2022 Nanalysis took a 43% stake in Quad Systems and they have been working together with complementary expertise to bring innovation in NMR back to the high-field NMR market and offer a wide range of high-performance, compact magnetic resonance products tailored to each customer application requirement. 
QUAD Systems employs world-leading technologies to develop, manufacture and integrate NMR spectrometer components for research and science. We continually champion what NMR spectroscopy can do for you, with guaranteed deliverables to match your individual specification.