Software Module Packages

qNMR Software Module

  • The qNMR module has its own dedicated tab to create, edit and/or manage qNMR methods.  The administrator can set up acquisition parameters, integral ranges, etc. and name the method something that is easily identified, to allow any user to recall the method and run it as specified.  To personalize the method to the analysis, the analyst can include their name, the calibrant weight and purity, and the sample name and/or batch identifier so that they can be easily reviewed and identified when the results are audited.

    Once a qNMR method is developed and saved it can be used in routine qNMR evaluation.

    *Compatible with the Nanalysis 100 MHz only.

    A typical qNMR module workflow includes the following steps:

    1. Develop and save the qNMR method

    2. Load the desired qNMR method

    3. Set sample and analyst details

    4. Acquire the data

    5. Get the purity results

A new automated, easy-to-use software module to allow you to create and edit method to automate routine qNMR assays and allow technicians to collect data effortlessly.

  • NMRFx- Processing, visualization, analysis and structure calculation of the NMR data.
    »Request a quote.

  • Spinit By RS2D - is a powerful NMR software incorporated in the background of our 100 MHz benchtop family, to facilitate data acquisition.  It contains the SequenceDevelopment plugin used by our experiment designer feature, inquire for more information.


An application programmatic interface (API) designed to allow users to remotely control and monitor Nanalysis benchtop NMR.

  • Customers can programmatically interact with Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR spectrometers via an open application programmatic interface (API). There are currently two ways to communicate with a spectrometer: JSON (60 MHz) and gRPC (100 MHz).

    The NMReady-CONNECT provides the capability to:

    • Setup, launch and monitor experiments

    • Retrieve results in JCAMP-DX format

    • Monitor spectrometer performance

    • Manage auto-shimming and maintenance routines

    NMReady-CONNECT allows users to:

    • Integrate Nanalysis Benchtop NMR in your process workflow

    • Create customized teaching tools

    • Setup reaction monitoring with our 60 MHz flow cell

    • Create custom red light/green light QA/QC inquires


Allows users to run scheduled 1D NMR experiments over a set period of time, such as the course of a chemical reaction.

Solvent Suppression

A set of experiments to suppress strong signals before the data acquisition. It allows the user to optimize suppression for a specific sample

Experiment Designer

Advanced module allowing expert users to design and/or modify their own NMR pulse sequences.

  • Every instrument comes standard with basic NMR pulse sequences depending on the model that is purchased (e.g., 1D, COSY, HSQC). For expert users who want to modify pulse sequences or generate their own, we offer the experiment designer feature.


    • Number of pulses on up to two channels simultaneously

    • Delays in the sequence

    • Phase cycling

    It uses LUA language (60 MHz) and a graphical interface (100 MHz) for pulse sequence coding.

    »Watch video

    Please contact for more information.

Installation Qualification/ Operational Qualification (IQ/OQ)

Allow the qualification of Nanalysis benchtop NMR at the customer site at desired intervals, including immediately after installation, after moving the instrument or overtime to ensure that the instrument is performing to specification and to help with regulatory and GxP compliance.

  • Adherence to regulatory compliance is critical in many workplaces. This optional software module is compatible with any Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR spectrometer and allows simple one-touch acquisition of Installation or Operational Qualification protocols.

    • Simple to use, fully automated

    • Assurance and validation in instrument performance

    • Checklist report

    >Download Installation Qualification/Operational Qualification (IQ/OQ) info sheet

Experiment Library

A set of gradient-based experiments to speed up your 2D NMR analysis and improve your solvent suppression routine


  • For users that want to run a series of experiments for structural elucidation purposes or run a series of 1D, such as replicates, for statistics applications.

    Queuing associated with AUTOsample-60 or 100 can increase productivity, allowing the setup and acquisition of multiple experiments using multiple NMR tubes automatically.

Allows users to set up multiple experiments and acquire them in succession.

Remote Access

For those that want to control their spectrometer externally from a PC, phone, tablet, etc.

Experiment Library

A set additional experiments available in addition to the default 1D and 2D NMR experiments available on Nanalysis Benchtop NMR

Other options:

NMRFx - Processing, visualization, analysis and structure calculation of the NMR data.

spinit By RS2D - is a powerful NMR software incorporated in the background of our 100 MHz benchtop family, to facilitate data acquisition.  It contains the SequenceDevelopment plugin used by our experiment designer feature, inquire for more information.