Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog
We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.
NMR Topics
- 100 MHz NMR
- 11B NMR
- 129Xe NMR
- 13C NMR
- 19F NMR
- 19F NMR Spectroscopy
- 1H NMR
- 207Pb NMR
- 31P NMR
- 3H NMR
- 60 MHz NMR
- Agrochemicals
- Applications
- Batteries
- Biochemistry
- Biopolymers
- Botanicals
- Caffeine Content
- Cannabis
- Chemical Analysis
- Cosmetics
- Dithiazine
- Drug Analysis
- Drug Discovery
- Dyes
- Edible Oils
- Educational NMR
- Energy
- Enzyme
- Exchangeable Protons
- Exchangeable protons
- Flavor and Fragrances
- Flow NMR
- Fluorine-19 NMR
- Food Science
- Food and Beverage
- Forensics
- Forestry
- Hands-on Learning
- Heteronuclear J-coupling
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Hydroxyl value
- Hyphenated NMR
The CPMG filter NMR experiment! What is it? When and why should we use it?
In this blog, we describe the T2-filter experiment, including its description and application.
NMR pulse sequences designed graphically? Umm, YES, please!
In this blog, we introduce our value-added software module, Experiment Designer. A powerful tool which allows advanced NMR users to code NMR pulse sequences through an intuitive graphical interface.
Do Mosquito Bites Annoy You? Investigating Neat Repellent Using 1H NMR Data
Repellents are used worldwide to protect against insect bites. This blog describes fun facts about mosquitoes, which substances are considered safe to be used in repellents applied to the skin, and look inside a pure repellent sample via 1H NMR. Read more.
Do Mosquito Bites Annoy You? Investigating Neat Repellent Using 1H NMR Data
Repellents are used worldwide to protect against insect bites. This blog describes fun facts about mosquitoes, which substances are considered safe to be used in repellents applied to the skin, and look inside a pure repellent sample via 1H NMR. Read more.