Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog

We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.

News Feed, Industry, Academic Susie Riegel News Feed, Industry, Academic Susie Riegel

Introducing…the newest addition to our family…the Nanalysis-60!

Introducing the newest addition to our family…the Nanalysis-60! As the benchtop NMR market has grown, and people have become more excited about the possibility of including these systems in their research program, the question that we always get asked is if we could increase the number of features available – more sophisticated pulse programs, pulsed field gradients, advanced modules to modify and program new pulse sequences… Read more.

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Academic Juan Araneda Academic Juan Araneda

Life is sweet….maybe too sweet!

Sugar substitutes are gaining more and more relevance due to the health problems associated with the consumption of high amounts of sugar...I thought it would be interesting to take a few of those substitutes and acquire their proton NMR spectrum in our benchtop NMR.

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Academic Juan Araneda Academic Juan Araneda

Electronegativity and Chemical Shift

Electronegativity is a concept that we have to study and understand early in our science or engineering degrees. In chemistry this concept stays with us and we commonly invoke it in order to explain multiple phenomena what we observe or study…and of course, NMR is not the exception! Benchtop NMR 1-855-NMREADY (667-3239) toll-free in the US and Canada

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