Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog

We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.

News Feed, Industry, Academic Susie Riegel News Feed, Industry, Academic Susie Riegel

Introducing…the newest addition to our family…the Nanalysis-60!

Introducing the newest addition to our family…the Nanalysis-60! As the benchtop NMR market has grown, and people have become more excited about the possibility of including these systems in their research program, the question that we always get asked is if we could increase the number of features available – more sophisticated pulse programs, pulsed field gradients, advanced modules to modify and program new pulse sequences… Read more.

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Industry Matt LeClerc Industry Matt LeClerc

Benchtop NMR spectroscopy for pharmacopeial assays of over-the-counter medicines

This blog post introduces some of the results we obtained in the collaborative publication of our white paper with the United States Pharmacopeia. It discusses the use of benchtop NMR spectroscopy for the analysis of over-the-counter medicines, and showcases how quantum mechanics can help reduce time requirements and lower accessibility barriers for industrial quality control.

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Industry Paul Hui Industry Paul Hui

Quantifying Battery Additives with the 60PRO

In this ever-evolving world where technology and science keep pushing into new territory, new inventions are being made and state-of-the-art validation methods are being developed. Over the last few decades, lithium-ion batteries have gained more and more traction in their uses, moving from general simple batteries used for powering your calculator or phone, to cars and trucks, and even airplanes (currently only the small ones). However, as simple as batteries may seem, a lot of work must be done behind to scenes to develop these subtle but priceless additions to our lives.

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