Ways to improve SNR in NMR Improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a crucial in NMR spectroscopy as it significantly enhances spectral clarity and accuracy. Print this> NMR Infographics Get COSY with this NMR experiment COSY is a popular 2D experiment that transforms a cluttered 1D spectrum into a refined 2D map of molecular connectivity which provides crucial insights for structure elucidation. Print this> Sample Preparation for Liquid-State NMR Analysis Filtration, Centrifugation, or Heating? Observe useful techniques that can be used to aid in the homogenization of your NMR sample. Print this> A useful workflow to estimate T1 for quantitative NMR analysis Interested in quantitative NMR analysis qNMR? Learn more about estimating the T1 value, which is an important factor in optimization of the scan delay, in our benchtop NMR instruments. Print this> Determining isotopic ratio by benchtop NMR: 10B vs 11B Coupling constant, chemical shift, and peak dispersion. How does NMR field strength affect them? Print this> Heteronuclear J-Coupling on Benchtop NMR Delve into some of the interesting properties of heteronuclear J-coupling with this infographic. We cover the fundamentals of the communication of nuclear spins between different nuclei in #benchtopNMR spectroscopy.Print this> Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance What’s the difference between acquiring a spectrum and obtaining analytical quantitative results? Learn more about key parameters in qNMR in this infographic. Print this> Decoupling Modes on Benchtop NMR Print this> We most commonly see carbon acquired decoupled, or 13C{1H}. What does this mean practically? Are there other types of decoupling that can change the data we observe in a carbon experiment?" Apodization Processing Tool Enhance SNR There are many standard ways to post process NMR data. Learn more about how apodization can be used to optimize your visual output! Print this> DEPT-45/-90/-135 & APT Experiments Easy assignment of your carbon spectrum with DEPT experiments. This infographics simplifies the output to streamline your assignment! Print this> NMR Field Strength vs. Peak Dispersion Low-field vs. high-field NMR how field strength can change visually change your NMR Spectrum. Print this>