Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog
We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.
NMR Topics
- 100 MHz NMR
- 11B NMR
- 129Xe NMR
- 13C NMR
- 19F NMR
- 19F NMR Spectroscopy
- 1H NMR
- 207Pb NMR
- 31P NMR
- 3H NMR
- 60 MHz NMR
- Agrochemicals
- Applications
- Batteries
- Biochemistry
- Biopolymers
- Botanicals
- Caffeine Content
- Cannabis
- Chemical Analysis
- Cosmetics
- Dithiazine
- Drug Analysis
- Drug Discovery
- Dyes
- Edible Oils
- Educational NMR
- Energy
- Enzyme
- Exchangeable Protons
- Exchangeable protons
- Flavor and Fragrances
- Flow NMR
- Fluorine-19 NMR
- Food Science
- Food and Beverage
- Forensics
- Forestry
- Hands-on Learning
- Heteronuclear J-coupling
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Hydroxyl value
- Hyphenated NMR
Deleting the 5 Letters of COVID-19 (ATCUG)
The media is bombarding us daily with two messages on opposite sides of the coin. One message displays record-high infection rates due to COVID-19, while the other focuses on the release of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines initially by Pfizer-BioNTech, followed by Moderna. With so many drastic changes…
To D2O or not to D2O?
In the average case one can simply dissolve an analyte in an appropriate deuterated solvent and acquire a simple 1D spectrum to obtain all the required structural information. However, sometimes doing so may not provide you with all of the information you need!
Heteronuclear J-coupling
The communication of nuclear spins is not limited to nuclei of the same ‘type’. Atoms that have a nuclear spin (i.e., I ≠ 0) are affected by the same phenomena that cause protons to communicate and ultimately split each other’s NMR signal.
I have a joke you have never XENON here before!
Welcome back everyone! As we near the end of the spookiest month of the year, I thought it would be nice to write a blog on an interesting element we can analyze on our instruments: Xenon!
Oxygen: how does it affect your T1 times?
In this blog post, I will talk about how T1 times can vary depending on how you prepare your samples, as well as the role of oxygen during relaxation.
Attached Proton Test, an 'APT' experiment for structural elucidation
A key step towards elucidating structures with NMR spectroscopy is the assignment of signals to specific groups within the molecule being analyzed.
Read more on the Nanalysis benchtop NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) blog. Read more.
What to expect: Chemical Shifts & Coupling Constants in Low-field NMR Spectroscopy (Copy)
One of the questions that we always get at tradeshows and conferences is how our instrument compares to high-field data. There are significant inherent differences between low-field and high-field instruments, but the most important from a chemistry point of view are sensitivity (S/N) and resonance dispersion (signal separation). Read More.
Cannabis Analysis: Why Is It Important and How Can Benchtop NMR Help?
It's no secret the cannabis industry has taken the world by storm. In fact, by the end of 2025, the global cannabis industry is expected to reach $146.4 billion. Even during the COVID-19 crisis, the industry is still running hot. However, the cannabis industry's popularity is perhaps even more of a reason why quality control and analysis is so important.
Automation, Benchtop NMR and Industry
Since it was discovered, the typical trend in NMR Spectroscopy has been towards higher field, evidenced by the rapid replacement of permanent magnets with supercons. Why? Well, NMR Spectroscopy…