NMR pulse sequences designed graphically? Umm, YES, please!

We are excited to introduce you to Nanalysis’ value-added software-module, experiment designer.

Experiment designer is a powerful tool which allows advanced NMR users to create and/or modify NMR pulse sequences via an intuitive and graphical interface that doesn’t require the user to learn a coding language.

It incorporates the Sequence Development (SeqDev) platform from Spinit which is directly accessible through the benchtop NMR’s onboard NMR software (NMRGUI). Here is the workflow:

1.  Open the SeqDev platform to edit and create pulse sequences;

2.  Upon completion of the new pulse sequence, export the application, which includes the pulse sequence and any pre-acquisition settings (e.g. automatic Receiver Gain calculation); and

3.  Load the application in NMRGUI and run the newly designed pulse sequence.


Note that all acquisition parameters can be defined in advance so that users do not have to worry about customizing the experiment, although they still can if they would like to fine-tune it.

The SeqDev platform allows the flexibility for the advanced users to:

·     Add pulses, channels, delays, …

·     Create different versions of the same sequences

·     Code a new sequence

Moreover, as the SeqDev platform is graphical, it can be used as a tool to teach students the basics and fundamental principles of NMR pulse sequence writing without requiring people to learn any coding languages. It offers students the ability to dive into NMR pulse sequences and what the components mean. The sequence elements (channels, pulses, delays, …)  can be added to the pulse sequence diagram with just a double-click!


For more information about our 100 or 60 MHz benchtop NMR spectrometer, or the capabilities of the experiment designer software-module, please contact sales@nanalysis.com or fill out this form.


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