Introducing…the newest addition to our family…the Nanalysis-60!

I know, I know, we’ve been selling the NMReady-60 since 2013, and people have come to know it for its compact all-in-one package and easy-to-use interface.  This tool has become a key player in providing multinuclear NMR spectroscopy for a number of applications but has been particularly popular in academic teaching. As the benchtop NMR market has grown, and people have become more excited about the possibility of including these systems in their research program, the question that we always get asked is if we could increase the number of features available – more sophisticated pulse programs, pulsed field gradients, advanced modules to modify and program new pulse sequences, etc.  While excellent for collecting routine structural information, the NMReady-60 platform didn’t provide a lot of room to grow for more advanced users.  To address this, we’ve discontinued our NMReady-60 platform and pared down some features to provide our most popular features into a segmented into teaching model – the 60Teach. Those focusing on more advanced uses can choose between the Nanalysis-60 and Nanalysis-100, depending on the resolution and sensitivity metrics required for their individual application.

Enter our 100MHz. In addition to being the highest resolution benchtop NMR instrument on the market, our 100 MHz platform opens up a bunch of exciting possibilities. For example:

  1. Pulsed Field Gradients (PFGs) – are you looking to collect 2D data more quickly?  Do you want solvent suppression?

  2. Are you interested in developing your own pulse sequences?  Check out our experiment designer, which uses a graphical programming interface so you don’t have to learn any pulse programming languages to use it!

  3. Want to use the instruments in routine QA/QC and have the software quantify it for you automatically?

  4. Want to monitor reactions in flow?

Not sure which benchtop NMR product is right for you?  Contact our sales team and we’d be happy to help you find the perfect model for your needs and introduce you to this exciting new product! 


Settle in and get COSY!