Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog

We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.

Eva Lam Eva Lam

Just Keep Swimming: NMR For Omega-3 Supplements

Many people don't get enough omega-3s in their diet because their main source for them is fish. Fortunately, the composition of fish oil supplements can be analyzed using NMR benchtop spectrometers so people can get the omega-3s and PUFAs they need for a well-balanced diet.

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Educational Alexander Köring Educational Alexander Köring

Your Nanalysis 60 Order!

‘The spectra were analyzed according to first order’. Does this sound familiar to you? Most of the supporting information documents out there contain this sentence. You find yourself asking ‘why does nobody care about second order effects?’, then check out this high-order blog entry on the topic.

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Educational Susie Riegel Educational Susie Riegel

Why 100 MHz Benchtop NMR?

While low-field NMR has extremely favourable accessibility and affordable characteristics, the most common question that we get asked about our family of benchtop NMR spectrometers is with respect to any trade-offs that come from moving to lower-field.

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Academic Juan Araneda Academic Juan Araneda

Life is sweet….maybe too sweet!

Sugar substitutes are gaining more and more relevance due to the health problems associated with the consumption of high amounts of sugar...I thought it would be interesting to take a few of those substitutes and acquire their proton NMR spectrum in our benchtop NMR.

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Educational Alexander Köring Educational Alexander Köring

Enantiomers – Image | Mirror Image

Chirality has a huge impact on the chemistry of a molecule. Due to potentially different physiological effects, pharmaceutical compounds are often used as enantiomerically pure compounds. One enantiomer can act as a healing agent, the other might be toxic to humans. Crazy, right?

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Educational Paul Hui Educational Paul Hui

Deleting the 5 Letters of COVID-19 (ATCUG)

The media is bombarding us daily with two messages on opposite sides of the coin. One message displays record-high infection rates due to COVID-19, while the other focuses on the release of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines initially by Pfizer-BioNTech, followed by Moderna. With so many drastic changes…

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Industry, Educational James Grebinski Industry, Educational James Grebinski

To D2O or not to D2O?

In the average case one can simply dissolve an analyte in an appropriate deuterated solvent and acquire a simple 1D spectrum to obtain all the required structural information. However, sometimes doing so may not provide you with all of the information you need!

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Educational Alexander Köring Educational Alexander Köring

Heteronuclear J-coupling

The communication of nuclear spins is not limited to nuclei of the same ‘type’. Atoms that have a nuclear spin (i.e., I ≠ 0) are affected by the same phenomena that cause protons to communicate and ultimately split each other’s NMR signal.

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