Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog

We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.

Educational Paul Hui Educational Paul Hui

What to expect from the tert-butanol 1D and 2D 13C NMR analysis?

Proton and carbon NMR analyses are routinely used in organic laboratories. In proton, 1H-1H coupling pattern is well exploited, and 1H-13C couplings as referred to as the carbon satellites. However, when acquiring carbon data, proton decoupling is applied most of the time and consequently it is not common to evaluate 1H-13C couplings in routine carbon analysis. This blog discusses the 1H-13C coupling in tert-butanol through 1D and 2D data, highlighting the key info. Read more.

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Industry Matt LeClerc Industry Matt LeClerc

Assay of Parabens via Benchtop NMR: An Alternative to HPLC

Parabens are widely used preservatives in food, cosmetics, & pharmaceuticals. Due to their presence in consumer products, methods to determine their purity are important. The current methods using HPLC are powerful, but wasteful and inefficient. In this blog post, we showcase the use of benchtop NMR to quantify the purity of 3 different parabens & demonstrate that this approach is quicker & far less expensive than the traditional methods currently used in industry. Read more.

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Educational Godfrey Wills Educational Godfrey Wills

Using NMR to observe the restricted rotation in amide bonds

NMR is a great tool for the analysis of molecular properties such as the amide bond, which has a restricted rotation around the C–N bond. In Biochemistry, the amide bond is referred to as the peptide bond. This bond is formed by the union of a carboxyl group of one amino acid with the amino group of another amino acid. Read more.

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Educational Eva Lam Educational Eva Lam

DEPT: A tool for 13C peak assignments

Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer (DEPT) is a double resonance pulse program that transfers polarization from an excited nucleus to another – most commonly 1H → 13C. This results in a sensitivity enhancement relative to the standard decoupled 1D carbon spectra (13C), which benefits only from the small Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) enhancements.

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Industry Jonathan Ma Industry Jonathan Ma

Valentine’s? More like Valen-time to get some new lipstick!

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, some of you may be planning for that special date you have planned. Maybe you’ll go for the glossy look, maybe the matte; should I go for a light tone, or something that pops? Well, before you even think about that, check those expiration date! With the nature of lipsticks being opened and closed, they are highly susceptible to oxidation, so read more to find out!

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Educational Alexander Maier Educational Alexander Maier

Labile Protons and J-Coupling

Have you ever questioned why hydroxyl groups/alcohol signals appear as singlet in the 1H NMR spectrum? Shouldn’t they also couple with neighboring hydrogen atoms and show the corresponding splitting pattern? Yes…no…why? Don’t worry! We’ll get to the bottom of it and discuss how exchange rates, concentrations, and the presence of water affect the NMR spectra of ethanol in CDCl3. Benchtop NMR solves so many questions – feel free to reach out to us to make sure yours can answered too.

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Educational Matt LeClerc Educational Matt LeClerc

Spin-Spin Coupling – Beyond Multiplicity

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a critical tool for scientists undertaking structural elucidation or quantification of species in mixtures. Along with single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD), no other technique provides as much information about a molecule’s conformation as NMR. This approach provides information about molecules in solution. Benchtop NMR 1-855-NMREADY (667-3239) toll-free in the US and Canada

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Educational Thais Barbosa Educational Thais Barbosa

Why does NMR have an inherently low sensitivity?

It is well known that NMR analysis requires a higher concentration of analyte than any other spectroscopic method. For example, UV-Vis requires an analyte concentration range of only nM to µM, while NMR typically requires the analyte to be in the mM range (>1000 times more concentrated!). In this blog, we will demonstrate why NMR is considerably less sensitive than UV-Vis. We have chosen UV-Vis for this comparison as it is widely recognized as one of the most sensitive spectroscopic techniques.

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