Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog

We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.

Eva Lam Eva Lam

How Food Companies Can Use Benchtop NMR to Fight Back Against Honey Fraud

Honey is a great natural sweetener that's full of nutrients and minerals that are wonderful for your health. High-quality honey is rich in antioxidants and is thought to help improve your cholesterol levels and lower your blood pressure.

However, honey may not be as good for you as you think it is if it isn't authentic.

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

Why is Oil Analysis Important and How Can Benchtop NMR Help?

Inaccurate or missing information during the oil analysis process can lead to a misdiagnosis. Nuclear magnetic resonance is one of the top analytical methods in modern chemistry, and the benchtop NMR spectrometer has proven to be effective in its oil analysis.

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

Superconducting Magnet vs Permanent Magnets: What Are the Pros and Cons?

Magnets are in many of the devices we use on a regular basis. They're used in the doors of our freezers and refrigerators, they power the speakers on our stereos and earphones, and are even used in data storage for our computers. Different magnets are used for different devices depending on the need for that device. This includes the magnets in NMR spectrometers as well.

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Educational Paul Hui Educational Paul Hui

Deleting the 5 Letters of COVID-19 (ATCUG)

The media is bombarding us daily with two messages on opposite sides of the coin. One message displays record-high infection rates due to COVID-19, while the other focuses on the release of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines initially by Pfizer-BioNTech, followed by Moderna. With so many drastic changes…

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

Relaxometry vs. Spectroscopy. What’s the difference?

Both relaxometry and spectroscopy are valued NMR tools for chemical analysis. Both techniques are useful in revealing information on chemical samples. Spectrometers have extremely homogeneous magnetic fields and can provide structural information about composition and connectivity about a molecule whereas relaxometers are less homogenous and provide time-domain data that give information about the bulk properties of a sample such as viscosity and solid fat content.

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Susie Riegel Susie Riegel

Phosphorus-31: The bearer of light

The compact NMR 60PRO can acquire both, coupled 31P and decoupled 31P NMR spectra. Benchtop NMR 1-855-NMREADY (667-3239) toll-free in the US and Canada

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

NMR As Process Analytical Technology: Why Hasn't It Happened Yet?

Process analytical technology (PAT) is a useful tool for optimizing, analyzing, and controlling chemical processes. PAT helps to improve the manufacturing process overall by preventing manufacturing errors, reducing the risk of variability in chemical processes, and monitoring for byproduct formation. PAT also increases the efficiency of the manufacturing process, reduces environmental impact, improves production safety, and reduces costs.

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