Welcome to Nanalysis’ benchtop NMR Blog

We love benchtop NMR! In this blog section, you will find all things benchtop NMR. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about your project.

Eva Lam Eva Lam

Olive Oil Offenses: How NMR Is Used To Detect Adulteration of Olive Oil

Because of its cost, olive oil is especially susceptible to fraudulent adulteration. Many cases of adulteration are innocuous and involve someone trying to make more money by passing off cheap, inferior oils as authentic extra virgin olive oil. Other cases may be more lethal where someone with criminal intent contaminates olive oil with toxic chemicals, such as the Toxic Oil Syndrome seen in Spain in 1981. 

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Industry Alexander Köring Industry Alexander Köring

Methamphetamine and MDMA - Structural Similarity in NMR Spectroscopy

NMR spectra visualize the change in the Larmor frequency of each hydrogen atom in the analyte. This change is what we call the chemical shift of the signal which is dependent on electronic effects. Similar molecules show similar NMR spectra and this is another advantage of NMR spectroscopy compared to other analytical methods: Derivatives or in this case new psychological active substances or ‘designer drugs’ can be recognized as a potential illicit compound, which is what we are currently working on with police authorities in Germany. Benchtop NMR 1-855-NMREADY (667-3239) toll-free in the US and Canada

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Educational Juan Araneda Educational Juan Araneda

What to expect: Chemical Shifts & Coupling Constants in Low-field NMR Spectroscopy (Copy)

One of the questions that we always get at tradeshows and conferences is how our instrument compares to high-field data. There are significant inherent differences between low-field and high-field instruments, but the most important from a chemistry point of view are sensitivity (S/N) and resonance dispersion (signal separation). Read More.

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

60e Vs. 60PRO: What's The Difference?

What's the difference between an 60e and 60PRO? Here are some of the key differences between these two benchtop NMR spectrometers to give you a better idea of which spectrometer is right for you.

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

How Can NMR Spectroscopy Characterize Block Copolymers

Interested in using NMReady-60 for your own polymer characterization or for another industry application? Contact Nanalysis today for more information on NMReady-60 and how you can use a benchtop NMR spectrometer in your everyday workflow.

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Educational Matt LeClerc Educational Matt LeClerc

Spin-Spin Coupling – Beyond Multiplicity

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a critical tool for scientists undertaking structural elucidation or quantification of species in mixtures. Along with single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD), no other technique provides as much information about a molecule’s conformation as NMR. This approach provides information about molecules in solution. Benchtop NMR 1-855-NMREADY (667-3239) toll-free in the US and Canada

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Eva Lam Eva Lam

100e Vs. 100PRO: What's The Difference?

Compact, portable benchtop NMR spectrometers enable chemists and scientists in many different industries to use NMR wherever they are. However, with various benchtop NMR spectrometers on the market, it can be difficult to determine which benchtop NMR spectrometer is right for your lab.

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