As we recorded theanine in deuterated water, the acidic and basic protons scrambled with deuterium and their signals are not observed in the 1H NMR spectrum anymore (for more details see our blog post: To D2O or not to D2O). With the J couplings and the integrals of the signals, the assignment can be done only with the 1D proton spectrum. The triplet ‘C’ at 1.17 ppm with a coupling constant of JHH = 7.3 Hz is clearly connected to the quartet ‘B’ at 3.27 ppm with the same J coupling constant. The CH(CO)N signal ‘A’ is shifted downfield in comparison to the quartet ‘B’ due to the presence of a carbonyl function in the alpha position.
So, although we cannot (yet – who never knows what the future will bring) assign the interaction of theanine with receptors in the human brain with NMR spectroscopy, we can easily assign the 1H NMR signals to the molecular structure of theanine.